After meeting Sony B, we realized there are still young, smart focused rappers out there. As a full time college student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, he incorporates the new knowledge he gets everyday with his music. He expressed to us some of the in's and out's of his interest in music, from why he started, to why he loves it.
Sony B: "I have to say my biggest Influence was my uncle. He always surrounded me with music and songs of his own as a youngin, and teaching me minor techniques or skills I incorporate till this day." I have been on about 25 songs, and mixtapes one, with my partner in crime Slynk (Bestfriend/Rapper). Though if it means anything...I got tooooooo many offers to recall haha. My biggest fear is not being understood, or losing myself. As an artist I feel its only right for me to appeal to those around me, though i dislike the feeling of having to "Dumb Down" my raps because it seems like they just don't understand (or want to) when REAL lyrics are being spoken. Often I was related to as a Jay-Z, then Lupe, then kanye. But now I'm getting hit with the J.Cole title...I'm koo wit dat... But we'll see if I can maybe just make a lane for myself!

I knew i wanted to be a rapper since 7th grade. 6yrs later- I think its about time everyone sees why.. I often just listen to songs that fit the scenario. Or I just bang out to an instrumental until i make my own. In '09 mom dukes just had me a lil sis, so thats CRAZYYY motivation to make something happen. *ShoutOut 2 Alisha & Chrisette Yates*, I was always told I had/have a way with words so i enjoyed that. And I really wouldn't mind that rap star life haha.
ShoutOut 2 my bro Slynk too...You'll hear of him shortly!
Contact info:
Facebook / Quincey SonyBdaname Yates Twitter / @Sony_Blackmon