On October 9th the weekend of homecomming for IUP, the Meek Mill concert was anticipated. The concert took place at the Uptown Cultural Center better known as The Underground. Before his presence was felt on the stage IUP students waited patiently while other underground artist blessed the stage. One of the most memorable performances was Nexhaze, who tore the stage down.
People were there in the latest fashion trying to look their best.
The crowd asked for a dougie contest, a couple girls got on stage for the battle.
While all of this was going on Meek Mill had arrived and was waiting backstage with his entourage.
Finally after the power went out a couple times, Meek Mill addressed the show.
When he first came out the crowd acted like they were stunned to finally see him. The crowd was in complete silence
I don't know what the deal was with that. It took a couple of Meek's more popular records for people to open and embrace him.
Despite the technical difficulties as far as the microphones going in and out. It was an overall good performance by Meek Mill. Keep up the intensity Meek and do you all the way. We really couldn't enjoy ourselves as much because we were filming and taking the photographs. Signing out for now.